Workplace safety

localised epoxy flooring resurfacing
Is your staff complaining about slippery or cracked floors and floor safety is becoming a real issue on your premises? Slip and fall injuries can have an enormous cost on the family, the community and the workplace.
It is a requirement of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Act that employers, managers and landlords take the required “duty of care” and can be held responsible should a slip/ fall happen to a staff member, member of the public or person in care. To avoid expensive WorkCover claims and legal cost and not to mention loss of revenue due to employees falling or slipping at work, floor safety must be taken very seriously.
Swan Coatings can assist you in meeting your floor safety requirements in accordance with AS/NZS 4586-2014 – Slip Resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials, AS/NZS 4663-2014 – Slip Resistance classification of existing pedestrian surface materials and HB 198 – An Introductory Guide to the Slip resistance of pedestrian surface materials by professionally assessing the damage and slipperiness of the existing floors of your business premises and providing you a cost effective solution to replace or repair your existing floor covering and make them safe again. Often, we only need to treat a small local area with minimal or no interruption of your day-to-day operations. We are flexible and will undertake works over weekends or at night if necessary.
We offer a wide range of anti-slip resurfacing options with a large range of finishes for inside and outside to ensure we meet the Australian Standard requirements for your particular industry. Swan Coatings floor safety systems have been tested and certified by a NATA accredited institute in accordance with AS/NZS 4586-2014 and AS/NZS 4663-2014. We also offer a tile-anti slip treatment to improve the slip resistance of wet tiles without compromising their appearance.
Contact us today to avoid injuries and the associated costs of workplace accidents and have the peace of mind that you improved the floor safety in your business.