Anti-slip treatments

non-slip external car park coating
Any commercially used property in South Australia is accessible by staff and/ or the public and must therefore comply the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Act. Complying with the Act means that your premises must comply with the Australian Standards for slip-resistance of flooring AS/NZS 4586 – Slip Resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials and follow the recommendations of HB 198 – An Introductory Guide to the Slip resistance of pedestrian surface materials.
The government is becoming more and more stringent in it’s requirements and the Standards have just recently been updated because slips and falls in the work place are still costing WorkCover millions of dollars every year. Swan Coatings understands that you are busy running your business and can’t keep up with all the latest anti-slip flooring regulations, which is where our expertise will assist you to comply with your obligations.
Swan Coatings will help you comply with South Australian Occupational Health and Safety regulations and your ‘duty of care’ by professionally assessing your existing floors and offering you different resurfacing and floor treatment options for your specific industry and budget. We help you reduce the risk of falls in offices, entrances, workshops, factories, commercial kitchen and bathroom areas, restaurants and bars, disability services, health and aged care, hospital, child care, schools, external step, on paths and ramps.
Swan Coatings has developed a range of slip resistant coating systems with different finishes to apply on bare concrete, tiles and APR sustainable decking to ensure all flooring surfaces are safe. Our anti-slip coating systems have been tested and classified with the wet pendulum test by a NATA accredited instituted in accordance with AS/NZS 4586 and HB 198 in a wide range of colors and finishes for indoors and outdoors.
Contact us today if you want the peace of mind that you as manager and/ or owner have complied with your “duty of care” and upgraded the flooring of your premises to a smart looking and safe flooring system with the appropriate slip resistance.